Product Update: Deals to Products!

We have recently upgraded the marketplace to provide a better experience for all users!

New Features:
  • Upgraded Products Page
  • Wholesale Concierge Service
  • Monthly Price Guidance & Insights
  • Removal of Deals Page (All products are now treated as deals!)
Coming Soon:
  • Real-time Price Insights (Including Product Specific Pricing Guidance)
  • Automated Information Requests
  • Order Fulfillment Management Tools

In February we experimented with buyer dashboards and found a way to provide the best buyer and seller experience. The marketplace has had two major issues since inception:

  • Buyers Kicking Tires
  • Sellers Not Responding to Purchase Inquiries

We have figured out a way to fix these while streamlining and standardizing the process. This means less work for everyone involved. Call it the Kush Marketplace wholesale concierge service.

Since we started making changes to the site in January, we have increased closing rate to 28%. This was impossible without intervention, and now we have found a solution that increases sales for all parties while elevating the purchasing experience at the same time!

What does this mean for you? Less effort and a better experience.

Buyers only need to deal with one wholesale consultant that manages all purchase inquiries rather than manage +20 contacts and deals at a time. We can guide buyers towards the best purchasing decision for their situation.

Sellers are provided with a wholesale consultant that can guide them through the process of uploading products and matching with buyers. In the future we will provide analytics indicating current market prices & trends so you can make better pricing decisions. When you need to update or add information to your product line, we share those updates with all interested buyers at once.

The first step to creating a more efficient marketplace with this update was to remove the deals page. All products are now treated as deals, the way it should have been a long time ago. Artificially marking up product prices to make the deals look better was creating an inefficient process where you must manage both products and deals to make sales. It was confusing for both the buyers and the sellers. This is fixed!

Now you will only see a Products Page and Buyer Dashboards. The products page contains all products and the buyer dashboard creates custom saved searches for buyers to filter product down to their individual purchasing criteria.

With this change came a necessary conversion of some information in deals to their corresponding products. If you have products listed on the marketplace, please verify their prices to ensure there were no mistakes in the process.

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