New Features: Offers on Display & Wanted Ads as Buyer Requests

Hey Everyone,

We’ve been working on a couple of secret weapons to help both farmers and buyers on the platform. One of those features will help create positive price competition!

Feature Number 1:

As of 3 days ago we rolled out our newest feature, “Offers on Display.” This means that every offer made on each product will be on full display. This will discourage low ball offers and encourage competitive bids. In the image below, you can see all of the offers since the product was posted in early July.


As you can see the larger bulk offers will come in at a lower price but the smaller offers typically come in at asking price. Previously, we were the only ones who could see this data but in an effort to be transparent we’ve decided to display this data to all users! If you’re a buyer it will help you gauge if your offer is even competitive, and if you’re a seller then you can browse similar products to see what offers were made on them. The true goal of this feature is to help stabilize price and increase the quality of offers made on the platform. Browse around the marketplace and let us know what you think!

Feature Number 2:

Our second feature, combines buyer requests and wanted ads. The reason we did this is because the purpose of both of these features is the exact same, help find what you’re looking for! They just performed that function in different ways.

Before, buyer requests showed products that matched your purchasing criteria & wanted ads encouraged sellers to submit products that meet your needs. Now they’re one in the same. You simply created a buyer request by setting your purchasing criteria and by checking a single box you can also accept incoming product submissions. Call it a 2 for 1! Instead of waiting for new products to match, we advertise what you’re looking for and vendors can submit products to you directly. When they submit a product a conversation is started. You can reply and delete the conversation if you’re not interested. Alternatively, if someone submits a product you’re interested in, you can request more information or make an offer right there!

You can always go in and uncheck the box if you’re getting too many product inquiries or delete the buyer request entirely.

Check out the most recent buyer requests by viewing our wanted ads section of the marketplace!


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