CBD Trade Shows in 2018

CBD.io 11/8-11/10 Las Vegas, NV
MJ Biz Con 11/14-11/16 Las Vegas, NV
Central Wisconsin Hemp Expo 11/17 Marshfield, WI
Hawaii Hemp Conference 2018 12-1-2018 Oahu, HI
CBD Expo East 2018 12/7-12/8 Orlando, FL

Trade shows are an exciting part of all industries.  People that have been working together from all across the world get the chance to meet face to face.  For the hemp and cannabis industries this is an invaluable resource to take advantage of. A vast amount of knowledge is also spread at these events through speakers.  Trade shows have become the farmers market of the future.

As a consultant who spends hours on the phone a day with clients, trade shows are an amazing experience.  Building face to face relationships with people I work with everyday is monumental. It helps build communication, trust, and friendships.  In addition to meeting existing business connections, trade shows are an amazing opportunity to make new connections. Every trade show I have attended leaves me with massive stacks of business cards to follow up with.  These shows are also great places to finalize sales and close deals. Being able to bring an entire industry together in one room even for a day can change a companies trajectory over night.

Since the legalization of cannabis, farmers markets are a thing of the past.  This is unfortunate because they were awesome! Wandering around a smoke filled venue with cannabis and hemp as far as the eye can see are fond memories of many folks in this industry.  Touching, smelling, and sampling of products was allowed and highly encouraged. Because of the strict laws in place it is just not possible to recreate these markets in their entirety for cannabis.   While there is not complete freedom to show off products in at cannabis events, CBD trade shows are a whole different story. People can be seen taking CBD dabs, drinking hemp beer, indulging in all sorts of edible creations, and even getting massages with CBD oil.  The vibes at these shows are about as close to the old farmers markets as you can get.

Education has always been at the forefront in the fight for legalization in the hemp and cannabis industries.  These trade shows give an excellent platform for knowledge to be shared to a large audience of interested professionals and consumers.  Speakers from all corners of our industry give lectures and demonstrations about everything from farming practices to dosage questions.   Being able to go straight to the manufacturers of products with questions is one of the most efficient way to learn. There is an incredible environment at these events that allow people learn from each other and grow together as an industry.

2018 was an amazing year for CBD Expos.  Up next for the Hemp Team at Kush Marketplace is the CBD.IO event held in Las Vegas Nevada.  Partnering with VapExpo, one of the largest vaping trade show in Europe, this event will be packed with products, educators, manufacturers, show specials and wholesale connections.   This massive expo will be held on November 9-10 in the Las Vegas Convention Center.  2018 has been filled with amazing trade shows, come visit us at one of the  few remaining CBD events in 2018.



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