Whether your a buyer or seller in the wholesale cannabis market, wasted time is wasted money. Here’s some tips that will help close deals faster, minimize your email notifications, and avoid time wasters in general.
Too Many Emails!
A common question we get is about the conversation emails, and how to avoid unwanted updates. These are actually tied to your ‘Conversations’ and you can minimize updates simply by deleting any older or unwanted conversations. You won’t be notified if there’s an important update like a price change or new pictures, but if you’re getting too many emails this could be the easiest fix.
Slow Responses
Not every user is quick to respond to your questions or offers. We at kush will try to call and email as much as we can to get a response but sometimes a farmer is busy, or the product has sold. To get the best response time, and avoid wasting time by asking questions that go unanswered try to follow these basic tips:
Make your intentions clear – If you have a question, or would like to receive something smaller like samples, make your intentions of a purchase clear. A seller will see many questions and offers on a competitive ad, make yours stand out by not leaving too many questions for the seller. Let them know right off the bat how much you would be looking to order if the request was answered, and you’ll see much quicker responses.
Check the description first – Very often we see buyers ask questions that were already answered within the product information or description. Sellers are less likely to respond if the info is already up, check the description first and make sure your question makes sense given the given details.
Don’t go too low – Placing an offer way under asking can be a good negotiating tactic, but you may not get a response at all..
Explain your offer – If you’re placing an offer under asking, explain why. You can increase your chances of getting an accepted offer just by explaining how you came up with the number.
Stay active – If you don’t get back to a buyers request / conversation for a few days you might loose the deal. Things move fast on the wholesale marketplace and if your serious about selling or buying you should try to login as much as you can. The quicker you respond to users, the quicker you’ll get what you need.
Send a follow up message – Each time you message a user over an ad, they’ll get an email pushing for a response. If it’s been a day and you haven’t gotten an answer maybe send another message through the conversation to alert the user again.
Update Your Product Description & Details
Another easy way to save time as a seller, is to update your product with as much information as possible. If one buyer asks a question, it’s safe to say there’s five other buyers wondering the same thing. Every time you go to answer a buyers question, think about adding the answer into your product description as well as answering the buyer. This way you should only have to answer a question once.
Another basic tip, make sure you have photos for your products! Postings that have a picture uploaded are 3.5x more likely to receive interest from a buyer.
New From Kush: Automatic Docusigns
The developers have made a big change in the last weeks integrating our seller docusigns into the site. Now once an offer is accepted, the seller will be automatically sent our seller forms through docusign. Day or night, holidays.. you can always close a deal. Most of the fields in our forms should also be auto-filled from the sites data to make the whole process much faster. So once you’ve clicked ‘Accept Offer’ check your email for our seller forms, fill them out, and you’ll be introduced to the buyer ASAP!
If you need any help, or have any questions feel free to reach out. We have many growers and experienced farm owners on staff, we can definitely help. Reach out over the site, or give us a call at 206-587-5874.