Kush CBD Isolate Price Index: May 10, 2019

Pricing CBD Isolate

Kush Marketplace has worked to create the first-ever, CBD Isolate Pricing Index. The CBD Isolate Pricing Index establishes an industry benchmark for pure 99%+ CBD. 

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To create the index, Kush worked with 15 of the largest hemp extractioncompanies in the United States. Matched with exclusive pricing data from Kush Marketplace, the CBD Isolate Pricing Index represents more than 75% of all CBD produced in the US. 

The Kush CBD Isolate Pricing Index will be updated weekly as we continue to add partners to our exclusive network. The CBD Isolate index price is a benchmark for CBD pricing and does not represent the best price available in the market at a given time. To see the best available spot price, please visit KushMarketplace.com.

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The Kush CBD Isolate Pricing Index for the week of May 3, 2019 is:

$5,873.00 PER KILOGRAM

How to Use the Index?

  • As a benchmark for the cost of CBD
  • Market pricing trends
  • Establishing a price for your product
  • Comparing your purchasing price to the market
  • Indicator of supply / demand market stress

How Can the Industry Benefit fromthe CBD Index?

  • Publicly available industry pricing information
  • Reduce market volatility
  • Creating a basis for the value of CBD
  • Factor in the value the CBD content in hemp biomass

What iF My Pricing Does Not Match the Index? Should I Change My Prices?

Many factors impact the value of CBD Isolate. While the index aims to give the most accurate price available, it is only an average. The true value of your goodsmay be above or below the index.

What Factors Affect CBD Isolate Pricing?

Factors that impact the value of your isolate include:

  • Consistency of Material
  • Smell/Taste
  • Visual Appearance
  • Compliance Documentation
  • Availability
  • Customer Service
  • Certifications
  • Recurring Transactions
  • Buying in Bulk

The Kush CBD Isolate Pricing Index represents market movement. Keep up to date with changes in industry pricing for CBD by visiting this page on the weekly basis or subscribing to our newsletter.

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What is the difference between the spot price and the index?

A spot price represents at what value isolate is being sold right now. An index is an indicator, a benchmark for industry pricing trends.

How do you create this index?

Kush uses a weighted average to create the isolate index. We analyze rate cards and spot pricing information for a single kilo of CBD isolate from professional extractors.  The average of the rate card prices carry a 40% weight in the index, the average of spot prices carry a 60% weight in the index.

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