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The HempList #30: Growing High Quality Hemp Flower & Transitioning from Cannabis w/ Virent Valley Farms

Edward comes from growing high quality flower in the Recreational / Medical days of Southern Oregon. He goes into his story of how & why he chose to switch from growing legal Cannabis to it’s federally legal counterpart in high CBG / CBG Hemp, then elaborates his philosophy of growing hemp as close to traditional cannabis as possible. Tons of tips and tricks from an expert grower in this Interview!
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The HempList #36: Science of Flash Chromatography, Pesticide / THC Remediation & More! ft. Interchim

Interchim manufactures and sells high capacity columns & flash chromatography systems for hemp / cannabis cannabinoid extraction, and remediation. Flash Columns, Prep HPLC Columns, Dry Load Columns, Chase asks Geoff and Michelle to break down how everything works and some of the common problems that both large and small extractors may face. Whether your new to extraction systems, or looking to keep up with the modern Science this podcast is a great start!
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The HempList #12: CBD Hemp Flower Trial & Error w/ Cedar Hill Flower Farm

Peter Domenico joins us this week from Cedar Hill Flower Farms in Ohio. Interviewed by Chase Nobles the founder of, they get into all the different challenges that a High Quality Flower farmer may face in the first few years of production. Chase asks Peter to walk us through some of the testing and Trial & Error experiments that they have done recently at Cedar Hill Flower Farm, and how they decided to grow High Quality Hemp Flower.
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