The HempList #1: Chinese Hemp with Good Earth Growers

This interview was with Michael and Eric from Good Earth Growers based in Yunnan, China.

Here’s a quick wrap up of the episode, and some links where you can watch the full length interview..

Full Length Interview (Just click Play!)
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In Summary

This interview was with Michael and Eric from Good Earth Growers based in Yunnan, China. Hemp growing has been around for thousands of years in China, but currently growing hemp for industrial purposes and processing CBD is only allowed in the Yunnan province.

Michael & Eric are both from the United States but have spent time in China working with the farms in Yunnan, and the United States distribution first hand with their business Good Earth Growers.

Eric Explains how Yunnan is actually at a similar latitude to California, and the growing conditions are great for hemp. Michael also adds that the growers themselves are at the highest skill level, check out this short clip here from the beginning of the interview:

Later in the podcast Michael and Eric are able to get more specific about the vision and goals of Good Earth Hemp specifically. They explain not only who they intend to sell to, but also clarify that they arn’t neccesarilly competeing with United States Hemp production. Actually, Chinese hemp acts as a cheap add-in or a niche product for Chinese nationals living in North America. Check out his short clip for more about Good Earth Growers and their relationship with the United States:

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