Here’s a quick wrap up of the episode, and some links where you can watch the full length interview..
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In Summary
Adam Lovgren and Michael Vietti join us this week from one of the worlds largest table grape vine producers, Sunridge Nurseries. Interviewed by Chase Nobles the founder of, Adam and Michael not only explain how a Grape Vine Nursery gets into the Hemp Space, but they also offer plenty of advise for farmers working with hemp & cannabis Clones, Seeds, & Transplants. Here’s a quick clip about featuring Michael and his opinions on Seeds VS Clones and transplants in general;
Sunridge is one of the biggest players in Grapes for a reason, and we expect them to make a big impact in the Hemp Space within the next few years. Check out the full length interviews on Spotify or YouTube and subscribe for more interviews each week. For more information about Kush or B2B transactions just get signed up at
Find the Previous episode of The HempList Here (#10)