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In Summary
David & Teresa Steinbrunner join us this week with Wildroot Organics. Interviewed by Chase Nobles the founder of, this interview covers in depth how fungus, more specifically Mycorrhizae, should be a must for any farmer trying to get the most out of their soil. Learn some mycology, about Paul Stamets, and even some of the politics surrounding fungus in this educational episode of the HempList. Here’s a great clip that sums up the basics of Mycorrhizae;
hey everybody chase nobles here founder
over at i’ve got a good show
for y’all today
i’ve got david and teresa steinbrunner
here from wild route organic how are
great how are you doing chase doing
really well now i have
one big question that’s looming over me
and i apologize if i get the
pronunciation wrong but
what is mycorrhizae michael rizzi
michael risey yeah you just told me how
to say that too so i apologize but
it’s it’s it’s a big word and a lot of
people don’t know what it means
and what does it have to do with him i’m
super curious over here
yeah it kind of intimidates people a
little bit but it’s just it’s a
beneficial fungus
and it lives in the soil and uh in
undisturbed parts of
the world 95 of all plants have a
with some species of mycorrhizae
and uh cannabis family
loves mycorrhizae does really well
and you know big things are
increases the health of the plant and
the yield
so those two things are huge in you know
the indus industry
so that’s why it’s important for hemp
and micro in the marijuana industry and
you know i we’re we’re based up here in
seattle washington
and i go mushroom hunting every year
you know for chanterelles and morels and
you know do a lot of you know a lot of
just trudging around in the bushes
trying to find these
these mushrooms and you realize how much
fungus is actually in the soil up here
it’s something i don’t think people
think about too much but then whenever
you get
say say you’re growing in pots with you
know cocoa or
whatever whatever it is that you’re
growing with you probably don’t have
much of that
and if you do have some you know uh
mycorrhizae in the soil or in the the
medium that you’re using
it may not be the right or the good kind
right so i’m curious
what what what kind of mycorrhizae
is this is is it a specific um
species of fungus or how do you manage
you know kind of what
what’s actually in the product that
you’re selling
well first thing uh yes most of your
the soil medias they use especially if
you’re indoors
are sterilized okay so that word means
there’s they kill
all the bacteria all the fungus
uh so you’re starting off with a with a
clean slate basically
so what we’re doing is helping people
put some of those microbes back in there
and we have a we have nine
nine different species in our
of endomycorrhizae that’s important to
understand endo
and ecto so hemp uses endomycorrhizae
and what that does what that means is
specifically is that
um spores germinate you send out these
little hyphae
they go into the root and actually
penetrate the root cell
and send up a symbiotic relationship
with your plant
so the plant and the mycorrhizae get
this conversation going
and uh plant needs some nitrogen
mycorrhizae gets the nitrogen out of the
soil breaks either gets it from the
organic matter in the
media or it gets it from the organic
nutrients that you’ve put in there talk
about high fee
so these little hyphy are amazing so
much smaller than a hair root
okay so they go out there and they will
actually they’ll penetrate and break
down through enzymes break down your
uh your organic matter in your in your
soil media
and they’ll just get one whatever the
plant needs they talk to each other
so if it needs iron it will get an iron
mulch you’ll send iron back to the plant
so you don’t need to really over
fertilize your plants
and what you know before we continue
because i’m i’m super curious and i i
love everything fungus and you know we
we grow a fair amount of shiitake and
blue oyster
and um lions maine we just recently grew
and and
and like i said foraging up here in the
what is the product that you’re actually
selling you know somebody buy something
from wild root organic right now
what does that include teresa well we
have our own blend
and um again david’s the scientist and
the horticulturist i run
the back of the house so um we
have also had a landscape company for 30
years and
through that process we wanted to come
up with something that would work kind
of across the board for grasses and
trees and
shrubs and all of the plants so david
had been working with
uh mycorrhizae for quite a while and we
decided to
package a blend that he created to be
a diverse product to kind of go on
everything so
i’ll let him explain so what you’re
buying when you buy micro
you’re buying spores and you’re buying
what we call propagules
that could be little pieces of root that
have spores in it or it could be little
pieces of hyphae
those are all propagals are things that
are going to produce that plant
so we have three different things in our
product spores hyphy
and root fragments also uh chase
you know you’re from the northwest but
if you go into the forest out there and
you see a tree that’s two or three
hundred or whatever years old and you
dig around the root system of that tree
or around the ground around it you’re
going to see
mycorrhizae naturally in that tree
and nobody’s taking care of that tree
nobody’s watering or fertilizing is just
naturally growing and so
we harvest that kind of
mycorrhizae and we put it back into the
soil that david was talking about
earlier that’s dead
from um you know pasteurizing over
you know we just overuse everything we
do you know we go in and clear a lot out
you know clear all the good topsoil off
and compact it so we’re basically
killing all the good stuff
right so anyway when you talk about
mushrooms that’s a different
fungus than the mycorrhizae
species and the endomycorrhizae don’t
produce a mushroom like that
okay got it also and what was
it ecto is it produces a mushroom fruit
and so what does endomycorrhizaes
produce do they have a fruit or do they
you know will somebody see something
other than and you know the
the the mycelium i assume it’s the same
mycelium right yeah
you have a mycelium mass yeah you’re not
going to produce
the you know the the the fruiting body
which is the mushroom
that’s not going to happen with with the
endo what you’re going to see in the
soil is this
big white mat rolling around it’s like
there’s like cotton growing in the
in the underneath your mulch and stuff
for underlying it’s kind of weird
looking isn’t it whenever you see it
it’s uh it’s
it’s long strings of white
you know thread or filament that’s
like a web right i’ve had i’ve had
growers this has been years back but
they would inoculate their
plants and they see all this stuff
coming out of their plant and they panic
oh my gosh i got a fungus yeah you do
you have a good fungus
right your plastic plastic aggressive
well just don’t worry
don’t you know like what kind of fungus
you know what kind of fungicide comes
don’t do anything you know everything’s
yep and you were mentioning you know
kind of the trees in the forest
theresa it is it is very interesting
whenever you see that
in the woods right because it’s so white
and it stands out so much
compared to a lot of the other um uh
you know living organisms out there it
kind of takes you back whenever you see
an actual
mass of you know the mycelium in the
but those trees live and
it’s not just that it’s their
relationship with other plants and
grasses and everything around them
right right endomycorrhizae helps
improve the area for the trees to grow
better and i heard something
i heard something along the lines of
whenever you see the mycelium in the
you know especially up here in the
northwest where it can be
some of the largest living organisms out
there is this mycelium masses right
and it’s uh it’s like an internet of the
forest where it connects
all the different plants in an entire
and somehow does does it communicate
back and forth how do you
yeah i’m i’m i i love this kind of
science and i think
there’s probably so many benefits to do
but i’m curious is there much science
between the actual communication of
other plants and other
you know organisms in the soil with you
an individual plant or an individual
mycelium mass
yeah as a matter of fact the different
species of plants and trees will talk to
each other basically
it’s like even almost like if somebody’s
not doing well they’re kind of like
this guy needs help or you know right
and they do ask me exactly all the
processes because we’re still learning
i don’t think you really know too much
do we it seems like this
mythical mystery of the forest that is
underappreciated that’s because it’s
under our feet
you know right how to fight out of mind
right right
no well i i wonder if it works the same
you know in a field because i assume
mycorrhizaes are
super beneficial you know in a pot or or
with a single plant but do you
does your product does it go into maybe
a larger field of hemp for example
where um there’s a bunch of different
plants does do
do you spread it in the entire field or
do you treat maybe one plant and let
that mycelium mass grow for that
specific plant in the field it’s
probably more important than any any
other area
okay you know up there you guys may have
you know eight or nine different type of
soils with you know different
you know depth to the soils and you let
the plant
determine which mycorrhizae is going to
use in the top eight inches
or in the in the middle you know down a
foot below a foot
very important for that area also yes
you just inoculate the plants
so if you plant you go out there you
plant your your hemp plant in a
you know four-inch pot say you inoculate
your plants
mycorrhizae is going to grow and spread
with that plant
the for the duration of the plant’s life
and then another plant
next to it
again oh i was just going to say in a
field do they all connect does it become
larger absolutely and if you have a
crop whenever if you’re you know if
very important not growing if you have a
cover crop you keep the mycorrhizae
in the field because it only lives with
the plants if the plants are not living
or dead or
harvested then it needs a living host
right right a gal a gal i’m not gonna
use her name online but she’s a
great uh wine specialist and grape
specialist out in california she did a
really neat survey
of had had her vineyard had her graves
so she inoculated the cover crops in
between the rows
but she put up a metal mesh and the so
the roots could not penetrate that mesh
but the mycorrhizae did so these plant
this mycorrhizae
transferred from the row crop to the you
know to the cover crop
to the grapes
no it’s interesting and i think it’s
probably incredibly underappreciated
when it comes to indoor growing right
you have you kind of have to sterilize
the soil
otherwise you don’t know what kind of
bugs or
you know um malicious funguses
and things like that that you might get
in there so
you have to inoculate it um with with
something every a lot of people are just
pumping nutrients in there
how common is mycorrhizae
inoculation in the industry now and or
is this something
fairly new to the space that that’s you
know starting to take off
no it’s been it’s been around a while
but it’s really becoming important
people don’t know about it though
because you know i mean you guys
talk about nutrients you know pumping
nutrients in there right
to protect our environment you guys got
the huge sound everything
you don’t want to be pumping all these
synthetic nutrients in there having it
you know leach out into your water
system and end up in the in the in the
so mycorrhizae you don’t need to do as
much fertilizing when you have
not only that but it really does help
against soil-borne diseases
root rots fusarium will it’ll help
suppress those
because no matter what you do in your
greenhouse humans are going to come in
and come out
and you know you are going to get
pathogens in there people are like
you know we have we have a group here in
austin that grows
medicinal marijuana and how they got
you know root nematodes in there and
these little aphids root aphids they
have no idea
but there they are but the mycorrhizae
actually helps with that
anyway yeah go ahead
yeah you guys want a clean product and
of course at the end of it
you know and so this our product is
definitely organic
and certified for use in organics and
very clean which is really important to
your industry i believe too
of course we’re certified through the
department of agriculture in washington
well i think it’s a a larger trend right
i i would think that
your product is kind of the definition
of organic because it’s still alive
right exactly yeah it’s it’s it
it grows a living organism within the
the root structure it’s a healthy you
want a healthy plant you want a healthy
bud you want a healthy flower
healthy stems but mycorrhizae also
keeps any heavy metals or any any
impurities from getting up into your
because it’s only just their job is to
make that plant healthy
and so the foundation of how you start
you know
you it’s essential i think to starting
growing any or 95 of plants in the world
to have a good soil medium and a healthy
you know ecosystem
below the plant common sense now
you were saying that you don’t need to
as much with nutrients uh the plants
with with mycorrhizaes in the soil
is there do do you have any information
is there cost saving here are you
actually saving money on nutrients with
a mycorrhizae soil
and is this does that apply specifically
to soil or does it apply to
you know other mediums such as uh cocoa
and things like that
it applies everything across the board
it really does and you’re gonna save
water depending depending on what
fertilizer you’re using you can save
reduce your your input by fifty percent
wow wow that’s a lot right so so
so to to inoculate a plant let’s say a
large grower or
you’re looking at two to three cents to
inoculate a plant
yep it’s not that pricey yeah
and uh you know right now we’ve got
we’ve got these trials going on up in uh
oklahoma they just they’ve cut their
costs in half
no kidding no just and they’re just yeah
it’s just a healthier
healthier situation for the plant well
not that pricey and hugely beneficial
i mean all that to increase your yield
and make more money
is the key right and to save on water
it also allows you to save by around 30
percent on your water
absolutely you limit stress on your
indoor and outdoor um one thing i
that’s kind of bothers me a little bit
in the mycorrhizae industry is that
some companies will say oh you know
inoculate every
other week or something like that that’s
that’s nonsense
if you’re doing that something’s wrong
in your system okay
is the mycorrhizae is going to be
growing with your plant
as your plants growing roots it’s
growing with your plant these are
positive you know positive and enabling
funguses in the soil do you have to deal
you know negative or detracting funguses
in the soil or
or or or mycelium and is that
not not from your not from your mix but
is that a pretty common
uh uh issue that farm farmers are
dealing with here
well yeah anytime you go out in the wild
and you’re planting
you know and you’re if you’re organic
and you’re not fumigating your soils
you need your plant to be as healthy as
possible okay it’s like we’re going
through cova right now and everything
they’re saying increase your gut flora
and fauna you know get a good probiotic
vitamin c be healthy that’s what we’re
doing with the microwave strengthen your
immune system if your immune system
strengthens it can overcome
a lot of you know those diseases that
are out in the fields yeah
you know one of the interesting things
one of the interesting things about
mycelium from what i learned and
and david i’m sure you can teach me a
little bit more about this but if you
inoculate a substrate
you know the the growing material with a
specific fungus
and it and it takes over that entire you
know the mycelium mass takes over that
um block or whatever it may be it
it makes it it has like a defense in it
doesn’t it it
it fights off other funguses from trying
to grow in their other
you know suppresses and that’s correct
suppresses it yeah
i thought that was one of the most
interesting things because whenever you
do inoculate
you know uh to grow whatever it is maybe
blue oyster
or anything you know the more common
um it’s really i recommend when you
go ahead i’ll start going well it can be
really you know uh
fragile at the beginning and then once
develops you know throughout the entire
block it actually has a
really strong defense right but you have
to be careful
with what contaminates you know maybe
your substrate but uh what were you
gonna say david
just you know you inoculate that plant
as early in the life cycle as possible
you know just a you know your plant
you know has a little radical popping
down inoculated that’s the time to do it
that way it’s def you know there’s one
of the biggest issues is damping off
which is hits the little seedlings as
they come up but nothing you can do
about it once you once that’s there
finished but if your mycorrhizae is
there it suppresses that
so you’re in good shape so that’s
inoculate right at the beginning
and you can go back and do it again you
can’t overuse
the product so that’s kind of
a benefit as well you’re not gonna burn
something or kill something by using too
it’s only going to use what it needs
however you should only need you only
need to do it once or twice that’s it
right and so you’re saying right as soon
as you cut a clone or as soon as you pop
a seed or maybe even before then
are you saying that you should inoculate
the soil not when you cut the clone
when it’s rooted when it starts to show
roots then you inoculate
understood and what about with seeds
what about if you’re growing with seed
do you want to
pre-inoculate the soil you can you can
you can
it’s best just to dust the seed coat the
put it a little bit in the where you
planted the seed there you know
a little dust and so when you talk about
spores and
and you know um uh the the the other
then you know pieces yeah yeah
what are people buying here does this
look like is it coming uh maybe more of
a powder form or does it come in maybe a
soil looking form or does it look like
mulch what what are people actually
getting here
whenever they work with you know wild
root organic
this is it’s a ultra fine powder it’s
kind of an earthy
brown looking powder and you can use it
in hydroponic systems or anything else
that’s what it is you can spray it you
can spray it on the root systems
um dust it the the
i tell everybody the important thing is
and every grower has
their own techniques on doing things
make contact with the root system
drench you can drink with mycorrhizae
however you do it
make contact i don’t like putting it in
the media
because you got spores scattered
everywhere i like to make contact with
the root and let
the mycorrhizae spread out got it that
makes sense
it does it does so you’re you’re saying
more inoculate the plant not the soil
exactly yeah you’re not really
inoculating the soil you’re just putting
these spores out there
and nothing’s gonna happen with those
spores until a root comes up to it
produces the exudate and the enzymes
that stimulates the spore to germinate
so why not just do it right
there right really so it needs the root
in order to to grow yes yes
it is so this is you know entirely
symbiotic to some extent they don’t
you know it’s completely it doesn’t work
without the other one yeah
right now what the mycorrhizae gets is
some carbohydrates
from the plant and that and that kind of
kicks it off
that keeps it it keeps it growing it
keeps it going
so how did you all get into this where
where did this you know was there was
there a light bulb moment where you said
this is what i want to do or this is
this is the product that i want to
create what was that kind of inception
of wild root organic to become
an actual product i know you said
landscaping a little bit there but this
is more than just
um you know trying to find a product
this is you all are making your own
product and
and what was kind of that that moment
where you go i want to
make the make a business out of this and
and create something here
well it probably was about eight years
ago and i just noticed that
you know i had these organic landscapes
that i inoculated everything with
and everything all my fertilizing all my
pest control all my disease control
was just cut in you know not even half i
mean some jobs
nope nothing you know they’re your
there’s years i go without ever
fertilizing some jobs
and that was like but i have a
background in marketing
right and in retail so i would watch
him do all of this work and leave a
property and
realize the client wanted what he was
putting out there
and so i said let’s package it
let’s package what you’re using because
these ladies wanted it or their
whoever the growers wanted it and they
would see the results and so they were
asking for
that product and we didn’t we were using
it in bulk
you know so we decided to package it
and make it and mostly most of the most
of the guys that i’ve learned from
come from the northwest right i mean
have you ever heard of paul stamets up
well okay so i used to i did some
landscaping up in the bellingham area
yeah there was a there was a garden show
way back okay way back in seattle
seattle garden show
in the 90s in the 90s
there was a guy there had this really
cool booth his beard and he was just a
he was just talking about this really
cool fungus
talk about mushrooms you talk about
mycorrhizae right then
and i was doing a project up up in
bellingham he said
put this on and you’re going to be
so i have cherry trees i have you know
azaleas he said
put it on everything and i did that that
was the first time i ever used it
was from paul stamets oh no kidding he’s
he’s a local legend up here right
i mean everything from soil science to
saving the bees to
psychedelics even he is an interesting
right i listened to i listened to
something with him i think it was on the
joe rogan podcast where
it was he had paul stamets on and what a
great guess that guy is he was talking
about how he lost it you know how he got
how he kicked his stutter and and and
and got rid of his stutter on a on a
hallucinogenic mushroom trip and that
was just so mind-blowing to me
but uh but so so when when it comes to
production of the mycorrhizaes you know
making your product specifically what
does that entail
is this uh is this a product that you
all are producing in-house you contract
out manufacturers where where is the
actual product you’re selling come from
yep it’s manufactured in oregon okay
and we grow it our product is grown on
living tissue
okay so we inoculate i can’t i’m not
gonna tell you what kind of grasses we
use everything secret
we inoculate well we know it’s a grass
different type of grass inoculate
you know a grass with with a single
species it grows in this
clay medium and when it reaches a
certain point
we harvest it we cut down the grass and
we harvest those
spores that’s how we do it in a nutshell
it’s a really cool process it’s a really
cool process
and it’s just like i said it’s just uh
it’s so natural
you know um if you have the time and
energy if someone wanted to go out and
dig up some soil and get some you know
that hasn’t been
you know unincorporated out in the
middle of nowhere
uh fallow land you probably could take
some of that soil and get
you know inoculate your landscape with
it right right you know i bet he
knows uh our blend i mean he
chose the specific species species
something had to do with paul
i mean i would you know way back in the
day i talked to his group
and i would you know i’d say no i don’t
want that i want this and then
i just kicked it around and that’s how i
got my nine species diversity is very
diversity is very important and so you
said you have nine species
how do you identify those species
whenever it comes to you know
ensuring that you have what you started
with or what you intended to have
well a lot of that has to do with trust
of the people that i have these are
microbiologists who are you know trained
in the industry
and they do it by spores they look at
the spores okay right
identify the different spores on the on
the mycorrhizae
so that’s what you then just keep those
separated and you grow
you know you don’t grow all the
different species together you keep them
separated and grow them individually
do you ever feel that this is such a
poorly understood space and i’m talking
you know
fungus and and beneficial soil and
and kind of the whole ecosystem down
there do you ever feel
like you’re kind of you you sound a
little crazy not you specifically but i
feel like i feel like the information is
poorly disseminated out there anytime
because i this is actually a passion of
mine i i
i love the idea you know because right
paul stamos actually put me on to this
where that podcast whereas
humans are more closely related to uh
fungus than they are to plants
uh you know they breathe in oxygen and
exhale carbon dioxide i know that’s
probably not the right terms but
there’s a lot of close relationship
do you feel like this is such a poorly
understood space
that it’s it’s education kind of
non-stop it’s
when it comes to the sale trees i’m sure
it has to be to some extent that
people just have no idea what you’re
talking about in a lot of cases or is it
or is it
a little bit well under more well
understood that i’m giving it credit for
no no it’s it’s so seven or eight years
ago when i’d give these you know give
speed you know talks to
to organic gardening clubs and
everything that’s okay who’s heard of
we’d have 80 people you might get one
raising their hand today you might get
and the other day we gave a guardian of
25 people in a garden show
these are organic people not one of them
knew what mycorrhizae is
that’s what i was kind of thinking
because i feel like this space is so
poorly understood that anybody that you
know even has scratched the surface of
it sounds
like they’re talking gibberish you know
like it’s like this woo-woo you know
kind of
soil science right it absolutely is not
you know teresa you said you go into the
forest and you look at the roots of a
and it’s what it’s supposed to be right
right right well to be honest chase
uh when we do garden shows and um
you know we could have 100 people in
there and two people know about
mycorrhizae and they’re usually the uh
the people that run the the programs in
in their community um however
by the end of the talk you know
everybody’s leaving with some because
that easy and fundamental to
what they’re what they’re doing they
can’t believe it they’re like like you
said it sounds like
voodoo or magic it’s really not it’s
foundational i wonder how it got so
overlooked for so long
right well it all started after world
war ii
chemical coming in and everything you
know you have
blue fertilizer and green fertilizer
liquid fertilizers
everybody says oh just pour it on you
know just pour it on and
and pour the phosphorus on and you know
put the roundup in there right put
you know lather the round up on it right
yeah exactly
so we’re you know we’re we’re learning
we’re learning
um it’s not my generation it’s going to
be you guys
that does it i mean i love getting out
there in organics
uh you know i can mix my chemicals up
with my hand
uh your children i can i can treat my
yards and everything i can let the kids
walk on it within you know two minutes
you know i don’t like seeing things that
have skull and crossbones on it
right isn’t it scary it’s scary
and it’s really it’s unnecessary so so
this is
you know in the same way that cannabis
was you know criminalized
through propaganda of you know different
industries things like that
um you’re saying that the chemical
and the new in the nutrients and the and
all of the different sprays and things
that you add
to agricultural products
they kind of buried this because it is a
natural solution that is
quite effective so there is there is
kind of this conspiracy that
that probably happened is that what
you’re saying
exactly if you tell somebody tell a
fertilizer company
we’ve got a product that’s gonna you
people only people aren’t gonna need but
half of what you’re selling you know
right they don’t like that but
i hate i hate conspiracy theories but i
love when they’re proved right
when it comes to you know cannabis being
you know criminalized and
and this you know that makes so much
sense why it was kind of
um you know swept under the rug this
this whole
fundamental element of you know soil
right and we have fertilizers as well we
have fertilizers that we
manufacture and put out there but uh
organic and they’ll be they’ll be on the site also
awesome well everybody should be able to
find wild route organic storefront
on we’re we’re really excited
what was that i just said you know we’re
just you know um
yeah we’re just you know we’re mainly
mycorrhizae but we do you know we do
like to
uh use the fertilizers also of course
well you’re going to to some extent but
if you can use less of them and save
money right
as a farmer that can be really impactful
especially when
you know hemp especially is in a you
last year was in a really big oversupply
and prices go down if you can save
a little bit of money here and there if
you can reduce your cost of production
even if it’s just by a little bit it can
be the difference between
a profit margin and zero profit margin
right and so
um you know like in texas they just
approved you know
rowan hemp now in texas right and
you know years ago hemp was you know
everywhere in texas
now they’re finding you know what a
great product hemp is not just not just
the cbd
but what everything you know the flower
i mean i mean flour for baking for
cooking uh
you know all the materials you can use
out of it you know right
right it’s a great product it’s the
rebirth of an industry
which which is really exciting and and
there’s so many interesting companies i
think we have around
you know 35 36 000 registered
users on the platform and everybody
seems to be doing something fairly
and it’s really exciting you know
because i haven’t seen
anybody doing michael rises on the
and so when when joe when joe reached
out to me said hey i’ve got
uh this company wild route organic that
that wants to
you know uh be a part of the show it’s
just it was
it was exciting for me because one i
love this
i i love the whole mycology
and i i think it’s just so interesting
and so
poorly understood that you know if
people could could learn something from
from this you know this show today i i
hope it’s that
this is you know in my opinion a very
poorly understood and but essential
aspect of growing so i’m excited that
you all have a product that you’re
bringing into the market for
especially for the hip and cannabis
space it’s just common sense
it makes a lot of sense whenever you
hear about it right you know sure
yeah but uh it’s really exciting to have
you guys on the platform
and people can find wildwood
organicstorefront on
and uh david theresa it’s been a
pleasure talking with y’all today
so we ended the show david and now now
you kick back into it i gotta check my
calendar here
make sure i’m not uh eating into anybody
else’s time but uh yeah
we got a couple minutes all right so
you’re saying that
uh that that you know prior to paul
stamets there were some
some people from the usda they had a ton
of research
a ton of information what what is oregon
was big um all those researchers out
there and it just got shelved
again money that just got shipped money
people you know again the fertilizer
don’t want this kind of out there and
they’re the ones that give money to
universities they’re the
big money players and so i’ve tried to
do i have tried some of the big
universities to do
side by side they won’t let me do it
why you think that’s oh they’re afraid
special interests
yeah i mean they’re you know they’re not
going to put their big money donor up
something like this they’re not going to
risk it why do you think the pacific
northwest has such a home for
mycologists and you know kind of this
kind of study do you think it’s
just the climate in the region and that
it you know fungus is so prevalent up
here or do you think it’s you know a
cultural thing
um or focus on organics yes there
everything you just said
yeah it’s the cultural thing up there
you know they’ve got the resources
i went up there in the you know in the
90s about doing things organic
people looked at me kind of funny
because that’s kind of just the way they
you know it’s like a bunch of bunch of
homesteaders up here right
yeah and when it’s mushroom season in
washington you know which you know
you know about three four weeks after
the first big rain in the fall
it’s pretty predictable right and
you get hoards of people you know if you
if you have a good spot which
which which i do this year if you have a
good spot to go harvest
um uh shane trails especially
oh yeah you if somebody else sees you
with a bag of chanterelles coming out of
the woods
you know you know that you better hide
them yeah
yeah yeah cause cause there’s gonna be
maybe ten more people there the next day
because it’s just it’s it’s an amazing
resource that’s
just people don’t really know too much
about it but
there’s like a a large collection of
people that are just
all over it so again it’s your
you got you guys are changing you know
my parents
didn’t want you they weren’t that
interested in it my father-in-law
i mean i saved i saved his whole garden
his whole place
he’s like oh that’s just that’s just
well yeah that’s that’s why i was saying
it you know when you do talk to somebody
that’s super into this
they kind of if you if you have no idea
what they’re talking about it comes off
as crazy it comes off as
you know magic or or but then you listen
for you know five minutes and you’re
like yeah you know what that white stuff
is in the soil everywhere everywhere
is it fungicides that are killing it or
is it the chemicals what what kills it
high nitrogen high synthetic fertilizers
yes weed and feed oh my gosh that’s
terrible that just builds up in your
and just wipes out your not just your
mycorrhizae but all the other beneficial
bacteria too making it to an addict
that’s it oh that’s what that’s what i
like to do i like i have a little
i should have brought back here this
guy on steroids right needles in his arm
that’s what they
that’s what the chemical companies want
us to do you have to fertilize
every 30 days keep your yard looking
good you have to do this right every
30 days it’s like it’s like chap it’s
like chapstick i always say the more you
use chapstick the the less your lips
produce moisture
and they get dry you’re training your
lips to not be able to stay you know
like stay healthy and you know next
thing you know
you’re putting chapstick on every five
minutes it’s the worst
god for a bit of hacking i have dry lips
you’re making your landscape you’re
making your farm
whatever you’re making it in an addict
so we’re trying to get them we want it
to look like popeye
we want right now healthy
and there’s a big financial incentive to
keep selling steroids to the you know to
the bodybuilder
right right the bodybuilder being your
soil or the farmer
right there’s a big incentive to keep
those those those
sales up right these are large large
but it’ll be interesting it’ll be
interesting the the evolution
i ideally you know the education that
you’re providing here
and the fact that your company’s out
there banging down doors
and and getting this into the the public
um super excited about it so again thank
you all
sorry sorry everybody i had to turn the
the the camera back on here because
it was uh it just kind of kicked into
gear again so thank you david thank you
theresa it’s been a pleasure
a lot more to talk about well we’ll have
to do another show
okay all right guys we will talk soon
Find the Previous episode of The HempList Here (#13)
& the Next Hemplist Here (#15)