The HempList #22: Direct Sales / Multi Level Marketing Hemp Finished Products with Illuminent

Ry Botsch joins us on the HempList this week to talk about how Illuminent has implemented a successful Multi Level Marketing strategy to sell finished goods in the Hemp space. Ry talks about the strengths of this strategy, popular items, ‘Vape-Gate 2018’ and more!

Here’s a quick wrap up of the episode, and some links where you can watch the full length interview..

Watch the Full Interview (Just Hit Play)

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In Summary

Ry Botsch joins us on the HempList this week to talk about how Illuminent has implemented a successful Multi Level Marketing strategy to sell finished goods in the Hemp space. Ry talks about the strengths of this strategy, popular items, ‘Vape-Gate 2018’ and more!

Here’s some clips that highlight both Illuminent’s sales model, and some of the general challenges in the hemp market today;

Find the Previous episode of The HempList Here (#21)

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