Get Ready to Network..
As Harvest season comes to a close, it’s time to focus on networking and sales.. The Texas Hemp Convention is back and better than ever at The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas Next Weekend!
Find a recap of the 2020 Texas Hemp Convention Here
In January, 2020 we held one of the biggest Hemp Conventions in history with about 15,000 people in attendance over the three day event at The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. This year we’re back bigger than ever November 20-21, 2021 at the same venue. We do expect a general decrease in live event attendance due to Covid, but with hundreds of great vendors and Texas coming back strong the sky is the limit!
Whether your looking to show off your Hemp Products, or attend to see what the industry is up too, don’t miss out..
How will things be different since Covid-19?
Looking ahead we are doing the most that we can to host a safe event while not infringing on the personal relationships that can only be fostered during a physical event. Here’s some of the extra measures being taken;
1. General Safety Measures – The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center is being proactive in keeping their events safe during this time. More info updated regularly on their site here; Covid-19 Updates.
2. Hand Sanitation Stations – There will be hand sanitation stations placed all throughout the venue to promote clean hands!
3. Additionally a Covid-19 Testing & Vaccination booth will be available at the event
Texas Hemp Convention 2021 – FAQ
When & Where is the event?
November 20-21, 2021 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center.

When will tickets go on sale for the public?
Now, at !
What attendance options do I have?
There will be three different levels for attendance; Trade show, Educational, & VIP. More details once tickets are available to the public in March of 2021.
How will things be different since Covid-19?
There will be many precautions taken to ensure the Texas Hemp Convention is a safe event for both vendors and attendees. There will be; an increase in General Safety Measures, regular Hand Sanitation Stations, testing, and vaccination available for attendees.
How can I attend as a Vendor?
There is limited Sponsorship opportunities, and about 300 booth spaces for purchase at the Texas Hemp Convention. Secure your space today by following this link; THC 2021 Exhibitor Space OR simply emailing us at

How many exhibitors will be at THC 2021?
250+ Exhibitors and many educational speakers will be at #THC2021
Can I become a speaker at THC 2021?
Yes, we’ll be going through applications in July to choose for the limited space available. Apply here:
Are children allowed?
Yes! This is a Hemp business expo, and there will be no general age limit.
Are animals allowed?
Only Approved Service Animals will be allowed within the event.

Is this a consumption event?
Samples of topicals, edibles and other products will be on the show floor, but there is no smoking at this event. Also keep in mind that products need to be both compliant with State and Federal laws (less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC).
What are the Sponsorship options?
There are a ton of sponsorship options, please write us at, or fill out the Form Here for a head start! Here’s an example of the current offerings;
• Headline Sponsorship – (includes 30×30 booth)
• VIP Sponsorship (includes 20×20 booth)
• Educational Sponsorship (Includes 20×20 booth)
• Networking Reception Sponsorships
• Drinks (VIP and networking reception)
• Napkins (VIP and networking reception)
• Appetizers (VIP and networking reception)
• Cocktails (VIP and networking reception)
• Lanyards
• Charging Hubs
• Swag Bags
• Bag Inserts
• Coffee stations
• And More!
Any Questions?
Visit the general THC 2021 site here;
OR email us at