Here’s a quick guide to Posting Product Listings on;
Login to your account, or start a new account today! For selling on a Membership & Validation as a Business is required. All products are federally legal and only contain ‘hemp derived cannabinoids’, but states can differ, make sure to look into your local laws & regulations.
Go to the My Products page, and click the Add Product Button

Fill in the details for your Product, including everything from the general category to cannabinoid specifics. Make sure to have some eye catching pictures, and put any needed details in the Product Descriptions. Save the details of you Product Ad and it will automatically generate your listing on the marketplace.
You can edit, re-post and delete your product anytime from the My Products page.
*Note: Only Paid Members have access to post products on We recommend the Premium Membership ($99/mo or $999/yr) for most sellers, but if you’re looking to make larger wholesale deals the Basic might work for you too. With the basic you’ll only pay $15/mo, but there will be additional markups and fees for introductions. The Premium will avoid all introduction fees and give you access to additional features like DirectPay (square integration) and Storefronts which are great tools for reaching consumers.
Adding Products to your Storefront
One Last Step!
If you have a Premium Membership you’ll be able to start an online Storefront. From here all your branded products can be in one place for consumers to make easy online purchases.
Once you’ve created a product from the My Products page, make sure to head to the My Store page, scroll to the bottom, and click Add Product. From here you can select which products will show up on your storefront.
Questions? Feel free to write us at