NEW! Digital Ad Space Now Available on

Now for the first time on you can upload your own designs, schedule ads, and claim spaces like the new Banner easily from the Advertise page on

Featuring products on has become so popular that we wanted to add more Advertising options to fit any sellers needs. Now for the first time on you can upload your own designs, schedule ads, and claim spaces like the new Banner easily from the Advertise page.

The Newest & Most Eye Catching option for Advertising on is Digital Ad Space!

Now easier than ever, setup your own advertising space from the Advertise page on;

This ad space is different from traditional product promotions, giving you the control to upload your own designs, and link the ad anywhere! Setting up the Digital Ad Space is as easy as going to the Advertise page, and click Get Started Today.

From there you’ll be guided through Image Uploads, payments, and setting the URL that you’d like the listing to link to. For reference, here’s all the image sizes required;

For the product card ads:
• Desktop: 1200×1200 ad
• Mobile: 1440×450 ad

For the banner ads:
• Desktop: 970×90 ad
• Mobile: 300×1050 ad

How To Start Advertising On

There are three levels of advertising on; traditional Product Listings, Featured Product promotions, and the New Digital Ad Space.

To list products on you’ll need to start an account, get Validated as a business, and start a Membership. We recommend the Premium Membership ($99/mo or $999/yr) for most sellers, but if you’re looking to make larger wholesale deals the Basic might work for you too. With the basic you’ll only pay $15/mo, but there will be additional markups and fees for introductions. The Premium will avoid all introduction fees and give you access to additional features like DirectPay (square integration) and Storefronts which are both great tools for reaching consumers.

Once you have an account started, and products posted you’ll have the option to Feature your products from the My Products page (purple promote button).

Offsite Advertising & Managing Google Ads Through

We’re not done yet! There is more advertising options outside of the site if your looking for maximum exposure. Here’s a full list of our current offsite advertising options;

  • Use to manage Google & Outbrain Ads! At he bottom of the Advertise page, just click the Get Started with Google Or Outbrain Now! button to send us your general design, budget, and details. From there we’ll reach out and start working on building advertisements for your brand through the Google & Outbrain accounts. This takes away the hassle of getting things approved, and dealing with google!
  • Email us at to start a Blog Post Feature! We send a weekly newsletter every week to over 100k subscribers, and you have the ability to write a blog promoting your brand and featured in the newsletter. Not only we will be sending it out in an email, but you’ll have a permanent SEO boost from the blog on Prices range from $500 to $2500 depending on the content and number of backlinks.
  • Send a Dedicated Email Blast Targeting users! has hundreds of thousands users at this point, and we are able to target users with keywords like ‘Vape’ ‘Buyer’. This is a powerful marketing tool for any business, send your own targeting email blast with for about $0.25-.75/recipient.
  • Get on the HempList Podcast.. Does your brand have a story that’s better said then written? Maybe a podcast style interview with the CEO of would be a great way to spread your message. Either included with your Premium Annual Membership, OR standalone for $500. We’ll arrange a 20-30min interview over zoom, then post the podcast on YouTube, Spotify, and all podcast apps. Check out our Past Interviews Here

Questions? Would you like to get something started today!? Reach out anytime at

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