Brandon Anderson-Thayer

Professor of Cannabis Software and Requirements/CEO, The Dispensary Consultant LLC

Brandon Anderson-Thayer

Professor of Cannabis Software and Requirements/CEO, The Dispensary Consultant LLC
(720) 435-2437


Brandon Anderson-Thayer is a Compliance and METRC Specialist and a professor of Cannabis Software and System Requirements at the community College of Denver. Brandon helps Cannabis businesses to create systematic and compliant approaches to daily operations. Brandon has developed a unique approach to help new and intermediate users in METRC feel confident in using the system by teaching them how to use METRC to improve functionality and productivity instead of fearing it as a “Big Brother” style tracking system. Users that have been trained in multiple states both remotely and hands on by Brandon have reported to have decreased anxiety using the system and full confidence in their system management skills. Before starting as an independent consultant Brandon worked for 11 years as a leader in the cannabis industry managing and directing for multiple dispensaries. After a successful career helping dispensaries, Brandon now trains and advises them on how to create operational approaches to increase productivity while remaining compliant.