The HempList #51: Delta 8, The State of CBD Sales w/ RDSP Farms

Dylan and Chase have a great discussion as of July, 2021 discussing everything from beneficial insects to the current state of the Hemp Industry and Delta 8. Dylan happens to be in his truck with nematodes and lacewings that he’s on the way to apply at his Hemp Farm in Southern Oregon. Chase asks about how he uses the insects before they jump into Dylan’s background in wine, and some of the CBD, CBG, CBN, & Delta 8 products that RDSP Farms has to offer. Finally they discuss how CBD sales have gone down since the introduction of Delta 8 and what that holds for the future of the Hemp Industry!
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The HempList #50: Hemp Greenhouses in the Heat of SC & Building a Community w/ Natural Harvest

The Natural Harvest crew (Calvin, Dwayne, & Rodney) walk us through how it’s been in South Carolina building high quality Hemp Greenhouses in the heat! They discuss why they decided to get into the Hemp Industry, and some of the unexpected challenges faced while building their greenhouse. Finally, learn all about how Natural Harvest was able to build a strong community around them including local hemp farms, the State of South Carolina, and even Clemson University!
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The HempList #49: In House HPLC Chromatography Testing For Hemp & Cannabis w/ Cann-ID

Alex has a background in the Wine industry, and shares how they’ve had similar experiences with inconsistent testing with wine. Now with Cann-Id Alex brings their experience to the Hemp & Cannabis industry with Cann-ID which opens up even small to medium sized farms to in house testing. Chase & Alex talk about why testing is important in the cannabis industry, how they got into the industry, and what’s next on the horizon (psilocybin?!).
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The HempList #37: On the Forefront of Cannabis Legalization, Education, & Growing with Farmer Tom

Farmer Tom started growing cannabis in a collective back in 1998, and has been on the forefront of cannabis legalization, growing, education, and has even worked directly with the Federal Government to drive regulations. In Vancouver Farmer Tom hosts tours of his outdoor cannabis farm, additionally he managed 58,000 hemp plants in Oregon this last season!
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The HempList #30: Growing High Quality Hemp Flower & Transitioning from Cannabis w/ Virent Valley Farms

Edward comes from growing high quality flower in the Recreational / Medical days of Southern Oregon. He goes into his story of how & why he chose to switch from growing legal Cannabis to it’s federally legal counterpart in high CBG / CBG Hemp, then elaborates his philosophy of growing hemp as close to traditional cannabis as possible. Tons of tips and tricks from an expert grower in this Interview!
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The HempList #27: Southern Oregon Rec. Cannabis & Hemp Growing (at the same time) w/ I-5 & LP Farms

Located in Southern Oregon, Phillip talks about the highs and lows of being in the market both through the Recreational Cannabis beginnings and now the Hemp market. Chase and Phillip discuss everything from growing in the wetter environments, to the challenges of cross pollination when it comes to hemp operations near recreational cannabis grows.
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The HempList #24: Strict THC limits in Oregon & Growing Hemp as A Family w/ Sunny River Farms

Sunny River Farms is a family operation, and Chase asks Bill & Ben to elaborate on how that’s been working and some of the challenges of keeping the business within the family circle. On top of that, they are located in Southern Oregon and have plenty of tips for growing in a state with Strict THC rules (.3% TOTAL, not Delta 9), and how that has shaped their farm.
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