5 Tips to Grow your Cannabis Business

Track Sales and Build Retention

An existing customer is worth as much as 5 prospects or more. Remember to reach out to them with best customer service, and additional products and services to support their business growth. Always invest in tools to manage and track sales and customers to build major retention and upselling strategies. Some good Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is available free like Hubspot.

Streamline Word of Mouth

It’s who you know that helps drive economy and growth. Leverage your Social Media presence to create major branding and marketing to build trusted networks that help spreading the word out to their friends and family. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Linkedin  can help you connect with people you may not normally meet. Make your content unique, stop and think is it something you would want to read/see? People believe when their friends tell them about your services and are more willing to buy from you than listening to your sales pitch.

Build Online Optimization

We all know your brand isn’t what YOU say it is, it’s what Google says it is. Until you are in the top pages of Google, people are not even going to know you exist. Build Search Engine Optimization, Alternatively use Blogs with relevant SEO such as the KUSH Marketplace Farm Spotlight, more people can find you online which drastically improves the chances of selling your products.

Attend a Local Event

Local Events Such as the Kush Marketplace Live Event are a great way to not only meet new potential customers and suppliers, but they offer an opportunity to catch up with existing ones, and they are worth 5 potentials. Previous events have seen up to 631 attendees, all of which are in the industry and have an interest in what you are doing. This fall on October 5th the Kush Marketplace Live Event will be hosted at the Motif Hotel Seattle. Booth space is limited. Reserve your spot here.

Test, Measure and Improve

What cannot be measured cannot be improved. Measure your results to improve your R.O.I. Use the Website and Social Media analytics to understand and build your next steps and game plan. Use tools like Google analytics, Campaigns and Marketing automation to measure the sales, pipeline and effectiveness of your marketing. Make improvements to the implementation and keep repeating the process.

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