Kahner Global Investment Series

The Cannabis Private Investment Summit Series has quickly become one of the leading educational conferences on cannabis in North America. Started in 2015 by Noa Kahner of Kahner Global, the summit allows some of the most innovative minds within the blossoming world of cannabis the opportunity to meet with a small number of meticulously vetted high-net-worth investors and family offices.

The summit is indicative of the larger mission of Kahner Global, which is to both de stigmatize cannabis by creating an environment in which cannabis entrepreneurs can thrive and to make the cannabis industry more professional. Kahner’s work has helped to create the infrastructure that has allowed for the Green Rush to flourish.

The first 2019 conferences to be held are on February 26 in Fort Lauderdale and May 1 in Beverly Hills. To learn more, please visit www.cannabrunch.net or email info@kahnerglobal.com

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