Updates to the Marketplace

Here at Kush Marketplace, we have been working tirelessly to bring you the best experience in using our site. So what’s a better way to show thanks and appreciation to our users and partners? It is to bring the best site and user experience we can offer.

Since we have tripled our development team to help facilitate the significant increase in traffic and site activity. Our trusty team of coders Matt, Brandon, and Kyle have been cooking up some really creative ideas on how to improve your overall experience. Here are just a couple of the amazing things they are doing over in their neck of the woods.

  • Expanding the functionality with emails making it easier to communicate with potential buyers and sellers.

  • Enabling a DocuSign feature to automate the buying and selling process making it as painless as possible.

  • Integrating new features with browser and text messaging notifications to have a more immediate response to potential buyers or sellers.

  • Moving saved searches from the Buyer Dashboard to Product Explorer for a more intuitive search experience.

  • Consistent general UI/UX updates and changes

  • Overall strengthening communication

    These are just a few of many features the development teams are implementing in the next couple of weeks. These are exciting times in the development of the Marketplace. Be prepared for some amazing changes coming soon.

In light of Thanksgiving here are some creative infused video recipes that you can make and share with family and friends. All recipes sourced from Cut.com


Green Bean Casserole


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