Washington Wholesale Cannabis Price Analysis July / August

Our data is getting better! I’m going to do my best to let it speak for itself in this post. I will provide an opinion when I think we have access to special information, but it’s probably better to make your own assumptions. So Let’s begin!

Supply still outpaces demand:

In the chart above, you can see that total listed supply over the last two months is still well above the total offers from the same time period. Also, total interest is almost double supply. This means that on average every gram listed on the marketplace gets interest from at least two buyers. Interest is calculated using the buyer information requests on individual products through the marketplace. We multiply their offer price by the quantity they’re interested in for each request to calculate this number. The chart above shows that demand is still under supply, and that buyers are shopping / comparing. An average buyer is likely to request information on 5X the amount of product they actually make offers on.

Trim Analysis:


Trim prices remain stable. There’s a huge variance in indoor trim because there’s such a giant range of quality. Some indoor trim is actually ground up popcorn that goes into joints. This material goes for up to $0.75/g if it includes popcorn nugs and is already tested showing results above 20% THC. On the low end, indoor trim will be used for extraction. It’s price competes with outdoor bud for extraction. Usually buyers can find much larger quantities of outdoor bud for extraction than they can find indoor trim so the market for indoor trim for extraction isn’t very big. This means the price for this material usually drops lower than it’s actual value. Many indoor farms have started testing their indoor flower before trimming and then the test results are associated with both lots earning a higher price for the material.

In the slide below, you will see:

  • Total Product Listed Weight
  • Average asking price
  • Total interested Weight
  • Average Interest Price
  • Total Offers Made
  • Average Offer Price
  • Average Deviation from Asking Price

In case the image above didn’t load:


Product Listed
3,907lbs – $0.15/g

Interest Expressed
22,590lbs – $0.14/g

Offers Made
9,687lbs – $0.09/g
Deviation From Listing: -$0.04


Product Listed
4,871lbs – $0.30/g

Interest Expressed
1,139lbs – $0.26/g

Offers Made
2,990lbs – $0.21/g
Deviation From Listing: -$0.09


Product Listed
2,695lbs – $0.35/g

Interest Expressed
5,375lbs – $0.21/g

Offers Made
354lbs – $0.21/g
Deviation From Listing: -$0.04

Flower Analysis:

Everything on the flower market seems normal compared to the last couple of months. I would expect a drop in price on the outdoor market coming soon because light dep is coming down now, and the harvest season is just around the corner.

In case the image above didn’t load:


Product Listed
6,494lbs – $0.56/g

Interest Expressed
4,996lbs – $0.49/g

Offers Made
6,216lbs – $0.33/g
Deviation From Listing: -$0.10


Product Listed
2,176lbs – $0.97/g

Interest Expressed
15,961lbs – $0.78/g

Offers Made
1,114lbs – $0.65/g
Deviation From Listing: -$0.25


Product Listed
3,080lbs – $1.43/g

Interest Expressed
5,245lbs – $1.12/g

Offers Made
695lbs – $0.87/g
Deviation From Listing: -$0.10

Finally the stats everyone’s been waiting for! Average prices of deals closed.

Flower Statistics*

Type Low Average High
Outdoor(Repackage) $0.27/g $0.49/g $1.00/g
Outdoor(Extraction) $0.11/g $0.21/g $0.50/g
Indoor(Repackage) $0.84/g $1.27/g $1.59/g

*Created using over 3,000lbs of Flower Deals through the marketplace

Trim Statistics*

Type Low Average High
Outdoor(Extraction) $0.06/g $0.09/g $0.22/g
Indoor(Repackage) $0.39/g $0.49/g $0.57/g
Indoor(Extraction) $0.12/g $0.24/g $0.37/g
Greenhouse(Extraction) $0.04/g $0.08/g $0.14/g

*Created using over 6,000lbs of trim Deals through the marketplace

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