3rd Party Logistics for HEMP?! Order Fulfillment Made Easy

Some of the biggest companies outsource elements of their distribution, warehousing, and fulfillment services.. Learn More and get started here!

Kush.com is dedicated to giving the Hemp & Cannabis Industry a Profitable, Consistent, and Reliable way to sell products to businesses and consumers around the United States. There’s a reason why some of the biggest companies outsource elements of their distribution, warehousing, and fulfillment services.. now Kush.com is excited to bring that option to the Hemp industry.

Interested in exploring 3PL services? CLICK HERE to fill out a quick submission form so we can reach out and discuss the next steps.

What is A 3PL Service? (3rd Party Logistics)

“Third-party logistics (abbreviated as 3PL, or TPL) in logistics and supply chain management is an organization’s use of third-party businesses to outsource elements of its distribution, warehousing, and fulfillment services.” – Wikipedia

Warehousing & Fulfillment – When utilizing a 3PL with kush.com you’ll be able to send products in bulk (from boxes to pallets) to a Fulfillment center. From there you won’t need to worry about order fulfillment, when orders come in they will be quickly & efficiently shipped to the buyer. Just watch your sales and inventory, then collect your check at the end of the month!

Distribution –  One of the biggest gains from utilizing a 3PL is the potential for greater distribution & Sales. When utilizing a 3PL solution you’ll be able to sell to everyone from big wholesale retailers, to individual consumers, all from the ease of kush.com and without ever dealing with a single package..

Reliability & Service – When it comes to fast shipping and great customer service it doesn’t get any better than a 3PL service & Kush.com. Consumers will be able to purchase products from around the United States, ensure Compliance, Safety, and the fastest fulfilment & shipping possible. 

The Bigger Picture: How 3PL Services will work with Kush.com & Other Sites

Currently Kush.com is working with partners to secure an easy to use and reliable 3PL service for Hemp products. This tied with the new Kush Certified program, the new Consumer Facing kush.com, and added payment integrations.. makes kush.com the easiest all-in-one sales platform in Hemp & Cannabis by a mile!

Consumer Sales – One of the biggest sources of frustration and overhead comes with shipping consumer orders.. So much so that some brands with Consumer Ready products choose to avoid the hassle, and only sell to retailers or B2B. Now with 3PL solutions and the new Consumer Facing Kush.com, you’ll be able to make More Sales, at a Higher Margin, with Less Overhead.

Formal B2B Distribution – It might be out of the realm of possibility for your Hemp Business to distribute to Gas Stations, Beauty Salons, Convenience Stores, Grocery Stores, ext.. all across the nation. This type of organized mass distribution is only possible when we utilize tools like 3PL and work together to bring Hemp to the masses!

Kush Certified & Payment Integrations – We are building a system to make Hemp Sales and Fulfillment as easy as possible for emerging brands. Get your products Kush Certified to show that they are safe & reliable for buyers, utilize 3PL for order fulfillment, connect your current Merchant Services Accounts with new payment integrations, and advertise your products all through kush.com. A one stop shop to managing sales, payments, and fulfillment.

Interested in exploring 3PL services? CLICK HERE to fill out a quick submission form so we can reach out and discuss the next steps.

Ready to try a 3PL Service?

We’re working with select businesses now to test out a new 3PL partnership! Want to get involved and become one of the first businesses to utilize 3PL services with Kush.com? CLICK HERE to fill out a quick submission form. Once we have your basic info we’ll reach out to see if you qualify and start going over the next steps.


To qualify for the 3PL solutions you will need;

– Product Manufactures Only, Not for Retail / Resellers

– Federally Compliant products, Under .3% Delta 9 THC
– Max Psychoactive Potency 35mg per serving
– Serving size must be labeled with a warning
– Nutritional Label Available for Food & Beverages
– Consistent / Accurate Labels matching actual cannabinoid content
– UPC Codes / Barcodes
– No Medical Claims without FDA Approval

For more information on 3PL & Certified Requirements; what makes products Kush Certified, click here.

Interested in exploring 3PL services? CLICK HERE to fill out a quick submission form so we can reach out and discuss the next steps.

Have any questions? Write us at info@kush.com 

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