The Great Oregon Auction

On June 7th and 8th, the Oregon Hemp Convention is holding the largest CBD and Hemp Biomass auction in the country.  Supported by an enthusiastic Department of Agriculture looking to the further their state agriculture opportunities, this event is breaking new ground for interstate commerce. Hosted at the Oregon Convention Center, the Oregon Hemp Convention will provide insight into three important topics that impact the CBD industry.

First, buyers from around the country will be able to examine a high quality selection of hemp and CBD lots.  With a huge supply of material, and buyers arriving from around the country, and world, we will have an accurate pricing index that is not impacted by regional buying habits.  

Second, In the likely event of a hemp biomass shortage, the hemp auction will provide necessary access to extraction material. The result of the auction will show us the price and volume at which hemp is moving. This provides insights into the remaining supply of hemp in the USA, and enable us to better predict supply and demand for the last part of the season until harvest.

Third, the world market is watching.  Expect to see representation from international companies who are both buying and selling hemp and CBD material.  This spike in the import and export market will provide insight into international buying habits, and how the growth of the world market will impact the supply and demand for material.

In summation, buyers and sellers are staying informed in the industry by attending trade shows hosted in hemp regions such as Oregon, Colorado or Tennessee. The pace at which the industry is growing requires a sharp eye for the movement of market price, supply and demand.  Correctly playing the market right at this stage in the industry can result in riches and partnerships that can last a lifetime. We look forward to seeing you at the next trade show!

Happy New Year,
Michael Gordon
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