The HempList #36: Science of Flash Chromatography, Pesticide / THC Remediation & More! ft. Interchim

Interchim manufactures and sells high capacity columns & flash chromatography systems for hemp / cannabis cannabinoid extraction, and remediation. Flash Columns, Prep HPLC Columns, Dry Load Columns, Chase asks Geoff and Michelle to break down how everything works and some of the common problems that both large and small extractors may face. Whether your new to extraction systems, or looking to keep up with the modern Science this podcast is a great start!

Here’s a quick wrap up of the episode, and some links where you can watch the full length interview..

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In Summary

Geoff Todosiev & Michelle Armstrong join us on the HempList this week with Interchim. Hosted By Chase Nobles, Founder of

Interchim manufactures and sells high capacity columns & flash chromatography systems for hemp / cannabis cannabinoid extraction, and remediation. Flash Columns, Prep HPLC Columns, Dry Load Columns, Chase asks Geoff and Michelle to break down how everything works and some of the common problems that both large and small extractors may face. Whether your new to extraction systems, or looking to keep up with the modern Science this podcast is a great start!

Transcript (auto-generated)

hey everybody Chase Nobles here founder
over at super excited for the
show today
we’ve got Geoff and michelle from Interchin
here on the show with us today how
are y’all doing great another one of the
beautiful day thank you for having us
hello of course it’s a beautiful day up
here in seattle it’s finally 70 degree
weather hopefully
summer spring is is here because we made
it through a long winter with coven in
the rain so
excited for it where where are you at
jeff where where are y’all located
so i’m envious of you because it’s 70
there i’m in southern california and
we’re barely breaking 60 right now so
i don’t know what’s going on but yeah
i’m based in los angeles
right on and then out of boston
yeah i’m like based in the boston area
and there’s a little snowflake for the
forecast for tomorrow
don’t i don’t want to hear about the 70
so we’re getting all kinds of different
weather weather here um great
well let’s just do a brief intro jeff
how did you end up starting this company
what what drove you into the
uh chromatography business and the the
the extraction equipment business how
did you get here
that’s a good question um i’ve been in
the chromatography industry
for almost 30 years and um
just with various companies i um started
out with
a pretty well established company called
phenomenox then i started my own
medicam had that sold it for about 10
years later
and then i started out with intershim
they wanted to have a u.s presence so we
started the intershim
um business here in southern california
um as the american north and south
representative for intersting
headquarters in france
um and then about five years ago
i started you know being in southern
i started looking at cannabis as a
potential market for chromatography
and was working with some garage
operations as they were then
um and especially in southern california
sure you’ve seen the whole whole
spectrum of businesses in the cannabis
industry down there
yeah yeah i’ve seen it all and um
yeah so then after seeing the potential
chromatography with the cannabis market
we started developing applications
so that’s that’s the long and the short
of it
got it and jeff you know having founded
your own business and then joining up
with a company like interchan based out
of france
has that been a challenge what’s that
been like working with you know an
internationally headquartered business
as amer you know as the american
operations in
a highly regulated space or sometimes
completely unregulated space what’s that
been like for you
it’s it’s been a challenge um
you know some of the challenges are
cultural because in you know michelle
and i over the years
um we’ve learned that well
we better build up our inventory in
may because nothing’s going to happen in
in france you know the whole country
pretty much shuts down predicting for
summer holidays in july and august
but we manage that that’s a managed
process that we can do
as far as the cannabis space though
that’s um
you know we just made it work it’s just
a matter of identifying all right where
what do we have to do in order to get
these products
to work in the cannabis space because
they’re very different than what we’re
used to
in big pharma you know big pharma
they have certain expectations for
you know two to three weeks six to eight
weeks that’s fine
not in the cannabis space we need to
deliver from inventory so we just
maintain a lot of inventory
to satisfy that and then we also do
material modifications to the
instruments to make them more
usable in the cannabis space so it’s
software and hardware hardware
modifications to make it work in
a high throughput production environment
right yeah
i would imagine the the throughput on a
hemp extraction facility is
much different than the throughput you
know in the pharma space
um just because you’re you’re you’re
literally turning a crop
into an oil um what are the differences
there and
what are some of those material changes
that you’ve you’ve had to make to the
yeah from a throughput perspective you
know in pharma we’re used to
the expectation there is micrograms in
um where in the cannabis space of course
we’re talking
not just kilos but multiple kilos per
you know that’s what we need to achieve
and then we can do it so
it’s just a matter of making those
changes to the software to make it
more usable in that environment and as
far as the software it’s just a matter
you know tailoring it to a production
where in pharma we’re used to research
and development
and some we do have some in production
but on a
on a small scale um and then the
hardware modifications are just
things have to be bigger you know the
the largest columns that we have in
are you know about this big um whereas
what we do in what we do in cannabis
they’re eight and a half feet tall you
these are big pieces of hardware that
we’re moving now
as opposed to what we do in farming so
those are the probably the two biggest
now when it comes to chromatography
there’s a lot of use cases right
everything from my cannabinoid
isolation to thc and pesticide
michelle what do you do at interchime
and and how do you work with the
customers to solve their specific needs
sure yeah so i’ve been um with intershim
for about 12 years now um and
so pretty nice oh yeah
yeah it’s been a little while
no so we um we have a full sop for um
thc remediation and pesticide
remediation so it’s you know it’s really
turnkey which is really nice and then
you know i support the clients who
um you know basically have like
questions on the sop
and um you know i do the the training
for them um
and we do we have remote access too so
it’s really nice to
you know there’s um if there’s new
people um coming on board to that
facility i can train them you know just
over the computer and whatnot so
um it’s been it’s been you know with
covet and everything like that we’ve
found ways to
you know still be able to be very
flexible in that aspect of things but uh
supporting yourself yeah hopefully we’re
almost past that i
the whole covet you know getting a
vaccine i just got my second shot
yesterday i’m feeling good right now
fingers crossed because i’m getting on a
plane tonight but hopefully
hopefully i stay lively here uh through
today but
for thc remediation and pesticide
and i know you’ll both specialize in
kind of different realms of that
but for thc remediation specifically
you know how how do people work with
i imagine that you’re isolating the thc
molecule and taking it
out what does that look like on a large
um whenever you have let’s say 10 kilos
that are
over the thc allotment that they’re
allowed to have
yeah so it’s um it’s all about like the
process so after winterization they do
their distillation
and then after they do the distillation
um we basically have a
detailed sample prep on what they to do
with that distillate before it goes on
the the purification column so um
basically you know the
the cleaner the distillate they’re
putting on the higher the yield and you
know the better the output that they get
so really um you know we’ve taken care
of being able to prep them
to what to put onto their onto the
system to be able to get the optimize
the best results so
great and yeah and jeff let’s talk about
something that’s really plaguing the
pesticides um you know
we’ve run into issues with pesticides it
seems like this plant
sucks any pesticides out of the ground
and puts it into the end product
when it comes to equipment manufacturing
you deal with all kinds of things like
was the product actually dirty was there
that was that had pesticides in it that
ran through before
um was the equipment manufactured
in a not a clean environment
what are you seeing out there and how’s
it impacting the
you know the clients and the large scale
extractors that you all work with
yeah it’s um actually the pesticide
application is the first one that we
because it is such a problem you know um
and it’s heartbreak too it can be
business ruining for a lot of people out
oh yeah and even those that are taking
all the right precautions
and you know you know one example is you
from the beginning you know where are we
going to farm where are we going to
cultivate you know if you’re an outdoor
okay you test the soil and it’s clean
say great
plant the crop extraction
test and sure enough you’ve got a hot
product and that’s just because
those pesticide levels are so low in the
they’re not detected using standard
but when you plant the crop that crop it
basically the
the cannabis plant it’s basically a
it’s soaking up all the contaminants in
the soil and it’s concentrating them
and then when you go to extraction
that’s further concentration so you
basically got
two concentration processes which are
building up
higher and higher levels of the
contaminants and then
now you’ve got a crude extract or a
distillate that’s
you need to be cleaned up and we
actually have a really high throughput
application to support that and it
removes the majority
of the pesticides so i imagine the
challenge is really great
though because there’s not just hundreds
of pesticides out there there’s
thousands of different pesticides out
there it seems like
how do you come up with the form you got
to isolate all of them or
the majority of them what does that look
like from a scientific standpoint
it’s um it’s we’re just using our
of chromatography in the pharmaceutical
and the natural products industry and
we’re applying that to what
is what are the what the challenges are
in cannabis
so as far as the pesticides go
thankfully the
vast majority i would say greater than
90 we’ve got a
very high throughput application for
that now
for those remaining 10 and these are
really rare pesticides that are
really not seen that much that remaining
we’ve got another technique it’s not as
high throughput
but it’s still effective wow so so
whatever comes across your table your
equipment can
potentially hopefully do a really good
job of taking it out because
you know i’ve had conversations with
people that have you know
shut down because of an issue like this
and uh
not been able to find somebody that can
remediate whether it’s thc
or or pesticides but pesticide seems to
be the harder one
so um congratulations on that can you
tell us a little bit
about the specific equipment and process
um remediate pesticides like the actual
product that you sell
and how it works because you know
we’ve all had to learn a lot of science
being in this space but not all of us
are scientists
right yeah completely understood so
we we take that into consideration and
that’s why as michelle mentioned you
know we have very detailed sops
so that we can make you an expert in
as long as you know as long as you’re
following the sop you have an
expected result that you can be achieved
it’s actually what we’re doing we’re
just taking our
standard equipment that we sell into the
pharmaceutical industry
and then we’re bundling it with
the media that goes into the
chromatography column
that is you know the the media in the
column that really is the heart of the
because that’s what gives you the power
to separate
or to remediate the compounds that
you’re dealing with um and then
the it’s also the solvents that are
going through the problem you know we’re
trying to um gear our methodology where
we’re using
just solvents and no water because in
solvent recovery process water’s a real
um so the pesticide remediation
no water you know for the 90 method for
the other 10
yeah in some cases we’re going to have
to use water
but that’s really how we tailored our
methodology to
make um really you know the majority of
installations in cannabis there’s
limited or
really no knowledge of chromatography so
you know making the detailed sops as
michelle mentioned
has really it helps us quite frankly
we can deliver something and you know
day one
you’re producing clean material
and then using um you know
continued support after we’ve done the
we’ve had you know this year especially
we adapted and you know team viewer is a
application for us because it allows us
you know monitor and work with the
customers in real time
and they’re they definitely see that
benefit so it’s something that has uh
has really helped us quite frankly and
so um going back to
i want to zoom out just a little bit
further you know i think we’re assuming
everybody knows exactly what you’re
talking about whenever you say media
or media and the column um what are all
the pieces that people are working with
here when it comes
to an inner chin product you know
everything from the calm the media to
the the actual collection units what is
that what does it look like can you draw
a picture for everybody that doesn’t
know exactly what we’re talking about
when it comes to remediation and and
okay so you know what chase does it make
sense if i
bring up a powerpoint slide so they can
actually see a visual
yeah do you have it in front of you that
would be great um
don’t worry so basically um that each
system is
compromised of is basically an hplc pump
so it’s basically um you know a high
pressure pump that can be able to handle
um you know the high throughputs of the
the mobile phase which is the solvent
the liquid that’s going through the
and then you have so you have the pump
and then you have a uv detector
so the uv detector is actually um is
what’s showing us
on the computer which is basically the
graph is chromatograph that you’re
so basically depending on the time and
the mobile phase and the distillate
going through the column
the uv detector is going to basically
see a peak or basically sense
a cannabinoid coming off of the column
and then you’ll be able to see a peak
to basically show that represent that
and then also on the system is a
fraction collector
so basically it’s going to automatically
start collecting the
cannabinoids or the products that you
want to collect based on time
or um on inflection depending on what
you’re what you want to do there so your
products actually testing the material
that comes out and
and being able to isolate the piece that
you’re seeing and the
the the molecules that you’re seeing as
it goes is that what you’re saying
well so the uv detector is the way of
basically um to trigger the collection
or basically to show you that a
cannabinoid is coming out for
identification to know what is coming
then that’s where hplc comes in handy so
having in-house analytical is super
of course and i’ve seen a lot of people
have to set those up jeff let’s take it
over to you show us what you’re working
with uh i just want to keep
it educational because so much of this
you know
a novice farmer that’s well not a novice
farmer but a farmer that’s never worked
with hint before
has never had to deal with an issue like
this and so really break it down
and for me because i i want to learn as
much as i can even though i’ve had these
conversations i still get confused so
yeah break it down for us jeff show us
show us what we’re working with
okay so this is
basically what michelle just described
um we’ve got a pump
right here we’ve got the column
and then we’ve got this detector and
then the detector is going to
detect and it’s either going to send the
sen the the liquid
to to waste or we’re going to collect it
so before the pump we’ve got a couple
you know usually you know um
a couple of organic solvents something
like heptane ethyl acetate
um if we’re doing the thc remediation
that would be a combination of methanol
and water
so that this is a this is a precision
hplc pump
um so it if we tell it to deliver
you know 63 of a and
uh the remainder 37 b it will accurately
deliver that and that’s really
important for chromatography that allows
us to set up a
an sop with a production method that’s
so that way if you’re if all of your
products going in
you know your sample is consistent the
pump will deliver
that consistent result so we’re actually
loading the sample with the pump onto
the column as well
so what’s typically done is you’re
mixing these solvents
you’re pumping and you’re pumping that
liquid through the column
and then when it’s ready okay when it’s
equilibrated then the sample is pumped
onto the column
and then as the sample travels through
the column
the media in the column has or the
the various components in the sample
have different attractive forces for the
media in the column
so those that have no attractive force
will move through
at the same rate of speed as the flow
that you’ve introduced
but those that have a stronger
attraction will get slowed down
and that’s how you separate things so
for our txt remediation
thc moves slower okay so we’re getting
all of the
the good stuff out first the cbg the cbd
and then we’re keeping we’re trapping
that thc until we want to push it off
so that’s what we’re doing we’re
separating the thc from
cbd and detecting that
and then collecting it or sending it to
ways beautiful
thank you so much for pulling that up
that was no that was great i think that
solved a lot of the
uh the challenge when it comes to
talking about equipment because
you know uh like i said we all have had
to learn a lot of science but we’re not
scientists so
drawing a picture that uh you know a 10
year old can understand makes it
so much easier i think for everybody out
there to think about what the
what what equipment they might need or
should be thinking about or at least if
they’re talking to somebody
to know what the equipment does and have
an understanding because
a lot of times people are you know doing
splits or tolling and you have to have a
really trusting relationship
with the person that you’re doing that
kind of business with
because otherwise you know
things can happen and i think we’ve all
heard those stories of things happening
product disappearing or the yields being
or not understanding what’s actually
happening people get upset
people you know call their lawyers and
then next thing you know
somebody’s unhappy and somebody’s a
little happier but still
nobody wins whenever the lawyers get
involved it seems like so
uh thank you jeff that was amazing now
minor cannabinoids
let’s let’s go right into it
two years ago three years ago we knew
they were out there
nobody seemed like they were isolating
them nobody seemed like they were doing
anything with them
thc and cbd ruled the market and really
in the cannabis side
beforehand thc was the product
right even even even if you wanted cbd
it was hard to find
four years ago five years ago what are
we seeing
in the innovation side of minor
cannabinoids in the space and how has
that impacted the business that you all
operate because
i can understand starting out in the
pesticides remediation
and but the market is changing very
quickly what are you all seeing michelle
jeff take it i i i i’m not sure who’s
the right person to answer this but it’s
been a
a a massive shift um to these minor
michelle why don’t you start and then
i’ll finish with you yeah so we are
definitely seeing um
you know people are wanting to um you
know so delta eight delta nine
um cbn cbg so you know yeah there’s
definitely um
you know interest in in that and the
nice thing is that we do have um
a smaller benchtop system with um the
smaller columns to basically do
the um the r d for that you know we have
we are working on applications and so
we’re able to
um you know like you know really good
starting points on most of them so
um and the fact that we have um
internship have us over 30 different
bonded phases um and different particle
so we really have you know all the like
all the correct tools to like really um
you know
kind of utilize for this and the
particle sizes that’s that’s for the
medium right or the media right
is that what you’re talking about yes
correct okay yeah sorry yes
no no i just want to break it down not
everybody listening
would have known what that meant so in
the column you have 30 different
molecules that can go in there and a tr
like you’re like jeff was saying attract
things at a different rate um to be able
to separate them yes
cool sorry yeah correct yeah so we
basically have we just have a lot of
as it when it comes to columns so
there’s not just one type of column
there’s all different types of columns
can be used for all different types of
things so yeah
so we do have the option the smaller
benchtop unit that we have is higher
pressure so it can handle
you know the the smaller particle size
because when you decrease that you it
increases the back pressure so it’s good
to have flexibility with that
great and when it comes to minor
cannabinoids specifically what all are
you able to isolate does it include you
know the cbc’s and the cbts and the
cbga like all like the list is endless
not that they’re all very highly present
the plant but the list is endless what
what all are you all able to
isolate um in through this process
so i’ll let me take that um
the when it comes to chromatography
you can what it’s the science of
okay so we can separate anything
in liquid chromatography um
the um the outcome though if it’s really
difficult to separate the two molecules
then the outcome is yield
you’re going to have lower yield okay
and i
i’m not i think the best example i can
give right now
is the delta 8 and delta 9 thc
because these are isomers it’s
essentially the same molecule
but there’s just one position where
altered that structure so they’re
essentially the same so
separating those is very difficult but
can be done you know when you for
example when you
send out your product your potency
testing and your
and the the the result that you get back
is you’ve got you know x percent of
delta eight and another
percent of delta nine they’re using the
exact same technology
um in chromatography to separate those
on a very small scale
so the fact that you can separate on a
small scale you can do on a large scale
it’s just a matter of throughput how
much are you going to be able to do
through put in time right as far as it
yeah so the the short answer is it can
be done
it’s just a matter of yield so we’re um
we’re you know there’s always a way and
we’re currently working on delta eight
we’re we’ve got pretty much an
application like michelle said
we’ve got really good starting points
like for cbc that’s a really high
value one that we pretty much got
but all of these can be done and i think
the big shift that we’ve seen in the
marketplace for these miners
is is synthesis now
in the the cannabis marketplace you’re
applying the same
knowledge that has been done in
pharmaceutical development
because that’s what they’ve been doing
they’re taking a molecule they’re
they’re changing it they’re doing some
form of synthesis to change it
just like you can convert cbd into
delta eight thc or cbn for that matter
so what we’re finding now is there’s a
shift in the marketplace where people
now are realizing okay we have to use
the same tools
that have been done in pharmaceutical r
d and
apply those to cannabis to create these
new novel molecules
because when it comes to cbd i mean i
think the industry is figured out very
and very efficiently how to extract cbd
i would have to say having been to many
of these facilities
they could do it at a really high scale
it’s a matter of converting those into
some of these minors we’ve also seen so
you know a lot of people
have fear around yeast produced
molecules which i know has done a fair
amount in the pharmaceutical industry
but in the cannabis industry a lot of
people are
you know um not not
vibing let’s just say with the yeast
produced molecules but some people are
ex very excited about it because you can
a lot of these minor cannabinoids on a
much greater scale even though it
may cost a little bit more money um and
uh facility build out what what’s your
opinion on the yeast produced
uh cannabinoids what have you learned
there michelle jeff take it away i’m
just curious what your opinion is i know
this doesn’t really have too much to do
with equipment but
i’m sure you all are watching the space
well it actually does have to do with
our equipment because we do have clients
using the yeast process and they have to
do the same they have to purify it so
they are using our equipment for that
uh i think it’s i mean
you know personally my opinion i think
it’s going to have the same stigma
that gmo does in the foods industry
you know there’s a certain group of
people who just don’t care if it’s gmo
but i think there’s a growing body of
people that
are a bit against gmo so i think we’re
going to see a little bit of both
i’ll come out and say it i’m excited
about it because like
you can produce some of these molecules
in the plant at a very high
concentration right and converting that
can be really
expensive so if we can you know tap into
some of these miter cannabinoids that
there’s just really no good way to
produce them right now
and get the r d done and then learn
about the molecule i think it’s just
super exciting
i i i think everybody else is kind of
worried about you know the impact on the
space but
i think to be able to learn is really
important for this space and for
humanity and the industry to be able to
see what effect these products have so
i’m really excited about it i’m so
curious about it i want to learn more
uh let’s see when it comes to
like you’ve got a lab right and they’re
doing large-scale
crude distillate extraction um one or
the other
they call you up what’s the most
important thing they should be
considering whenever they
want to talk about chromatography
and um isolation of molecules like
how does that conversation usually go
what in
what are the things that you see that
they miss that they should really be
asking about for anybody that’s thinking
about buying this type of equipment what
what are the big considerations because
it’s not
cheap you know i don’t know exactly what
y’all’s prices are you know to get a
base set up and you all can speak to
that better than i can
what are the questions that they should
be asking to really understand if this
is the route that they should go
why don’t you take that so um so one of
the main questions that um especially
you know with thc remediation in-house
analytical is not
not me having hplc is not like super
important because you’re only sending
out like
like maybe five fractions like every
other week or so
um but with um if you’re doing minor
cannabinoids in-house analytical is
really important um just because it’s
just a time saver so
you know for you to be able to just you
know just throw whatever comes off our
system and throw it onto an hplc to
basically confirm what you have
um it’s just a huge time saver and will
you know basically help them in the
whole process
so yeah so and you know our system is
very easy to use but an hplc system does
require a little bit more skill so it’s
just going to be a matter of
you know having someone like a skilled
person to be able to to to run that
system you know so
in-house analytic um you know party
testing is great but again it’s just
it’s going to be the time you know
costly and also you know over time and
then the time
restraint so basically how long you have
to wait for that results to come back
so yeah so that’s one thing that we do
um you know
basically if you are going to be doing
this you know please look into getting
in-house analytical
or an hplc system it doesn’t matter what
third party you use it takes time
if you can just stick it in the machine
let it run through the little mini
flash a light at it or whatever they do
to figure out what’s in there and know
within you know 20 minutes that that
would be better right
yeah no that’s interesting i hadn’t
thought about that because
you know if for anybody listening out
there what michelle is saying if you’re
thinking about doing chromatography
you’re also going to need to learn about
hplcs and
in-house testing um to be efficient
uh jeff do you have do you have anything
to add to that question what should they
be thinking about or asking
uh whenever they’re they’re they’re
exploring this path
it’s i think
the questions that we’ll ask is okay
where do you want to be tomorrow
and where do you want to be a year from
in terms of your feedstock you know what
how much do you want to be processing
tomorrow and how much
a year from now because it’s really
important to know that
so that we can spec out the right set of
equipment you know
that way we can you know you can grow
with them you may you know a lot of
times people
will call up they say what’s the biggest
one you got
and we just pump the brakes a little and
you know let’s we have everything you
but do you really need the biggest piece
of hardware that you’ve got right now
90 of the time you don’t so let’s start
with the smaller unit
and then dial in that process for your
throughput demand and then either
upgrade that with a larger column
or consider adding a second piece of
equipment on down the road
because that smaller unit is always
going to be useful
you can use that to qualify large
batches of material you can use it as
michelle mentioned for r d
purposes so you know it’s
that’s the question we’ll ask we want to
know you know current
and future so that we can you know
manage the expectations and also
not over supply you know uh and i’m sure
you’ve seen it
a lot of people highly over invested
in equipment and
yeah um and you’ll see secondary you
know sales of this equipment
after somebody failed or had issues or
for whatever reason
and a lot of it is massive massive
equipment some of the most efficient
operations that i’ve been to
utilize multiple small machines because
if one goes down
the whole production facility doesn’t go
down and if you don’t need the big
machine right out of the gate why
buy the big machine right at the gate
why you know and i
you there might be a reason and you
probably know better but why do you need
the big machine at all get a bunch of
smaller machines so that the maintenance
can happen and you don’t have to shut
down your whole facility to do that
uh it’s it’s kind of um i think it was a
big learning that the space went through
was to be a little bit more cautious
just because you have money in the bank
and investors and this and that
take take your time with scaling up
production because
if you don’t have sales you don’t
need the product right and i think
you’ve probably seen a fair amount of
that and had to have those same
conversations we have
um with with some of the people that
doing really big things but maybe we did
a little bit you know what a little bit
too big too early
um right and paid a steep price for that
so michelle who you’ve got somebody out
in boulder colorado
how many of those uh 420s yeah eleven
they have eleven systems and they do
tolling yeah
is 420 the large size no the smallest
one the smallest right
yeah and they’re probably really
efficient with it too right
because they can take one offline and
barely lose any they lose
1 11 of their production capacity if one
of them has
some kind of issue and all equipment
does at some point
need maintenance right um what does the
maintenance schedule look like for your
kind of machinery
and what can people expect for up time
when it comes to production uh
efficiency so we actually have a whole
troubleshooting document and so
basically like if any this happens this
is what you do so it’s like a whole
document and the nice thing is that all
our fluidics
are mostly external so it’s very user
like our pump heads are right there so
we know where like
you know like the points that you’re
gonna have to like maybe clean this once
in a while so we have a
you know in our sop we have like you
know basically at the end of each day
you have to like you know do a little
cleaning like so
you know we have um all that
incorporated in our soapy and everything
like that and
basically detailed instructions and then
we also have you know a full service
to to help them if they if they did need
the help but majority of the time like
night if they just like you know get
like a phone call and be like oh hey
what do i do i’m like oh just flush your
lines and you know what i mean so like a
lot of it can just can be just
troubleshoot it over the phone and it’s
like a quick
fix if it’s not then you know there’s
always support for them so
right right um uh but
it sounds like y’all are opening up an r
d facility in new york
uh i would love to learn a little bit
more are you all
just using that to learn or are you all
actually producing a product
for the market um in the cannabinoid
what what’s what’s the plan what’s the
we were discussing that because we’ve
applied for a license
for the state of new york and that will
allow us to
have large amounts of material whether
it be biomass or extract whatever
and we’ll have that on site and
the number one intent is to accelerate
our applications development so that we
can focus on these minor cannabinoids
um it’ll also be used to for process
so we can improve upon our existing
and then we are going to because we have
not just these large scale
chromatography instruments we actually
a whole suite of analytical instruments
hplc to icpms so icpms
that’s used for metals testing so the
heavy metals that you have to test for
in the adult use phase eventually you’re
gonna have to test for that
in the the hemp space as well
so we’ll have methodology for that and
also be doing some con some testing
some third-party testing because we have
these capabilities
but we’re not going to be focused on you
know potency
or anything like that it’s going to be
more specialized applications that
aren’t necessarily available by the
standard third-party testing lives
amazing amazing so we’re really excited
about that we’re hoping to have our
done um we’ve already got the safe on
order we will have a dea license as well
so we’ll have a complete capability for
in new york hopefully in the next i
think the schedule’s about three months
so if it’s three months out you need to
add another 1.5 to that so let’s say
let’s say uh 6.5 months
i’m hoping we’ve already included that
fudge factory
i think it’s probably realistic to say
okay we’ll get it done this year
yeah this year right you know you’ve
been in the space long enough
and worked with enough people and
regulators especially
um with all of your clients you know the
oh yeah it never
it never seems to happen on a timeline
when the government’s involved and the
inspections are involved and all of that
good luck to you i’m excited to see what
y’all are up to and keep innovating
bringing those minor cannabinoids to the
market helping many farmers with
pesticides and thc remediation
thank you for being in this space thank
you for doing the interview and it was
an exciting show i look forward to
getting this out to the world
you’re most welcome all right jeff
michelle with interchan thank you so
thank you have a great day cheers

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