The HempList #16: Growing Hemp on George Washington’s Family Farm w/ Pure Sterling Hemp

Greg Clements joins us on the HempList to talk about the history surrounding Pure Sterling Hemp Farms. Hosted by Chase Nobles, founder of, they discuss how the land was originally owned by George Washington’s family and how Greg is reclaiming history by converting his hay fields into high quality, organic hemp flower & more.

Here’s a quick wrap up of the episode, and some links where you can watch the full length interview..

Watch the Full Interview (Just Hit Play)

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In Summary

Greg Clements joins us on the HempList to talk about the history surrounding Pure Sterling Hemp Farms. Hosted by Chase Nobles, founder of, they discuss how the land was originally owned by George Washington’s family and how Greg is reclaiming history by converting his hay fields into high quality, organic hemp flower & more.

Here’s a quick clip about the history around Pure Sterling Hemp Farms;

And another clip on the general challenges faced during the first year growing hemp;

Find the Previous episode of The HempList Here (#15)

And the Next Hemplist Here (#17)

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